REVIEWS – Jol Rose live in performance
Depending on his mood, you might encounter a serious, Americana-infused troubadour or an upbeat, singalong, cheerleader, but whichever sonic persona you get, you are in for a treat. You may get a bit of both. Come for the discerning dustbowl diatribes; stay for the danceable ditties. It’s all good
ed dyer, swindon shuffle
I just wanted to get in touch to say thank you for opening up the music part of the beer festival last Saturday. You really got the crowd going and led us into a fabulous evening. The whole event was a huge success raising much needed funds for Christ Church.
chris smith, swindon beer festival
The CDs are a Christmas present for my partner’s mother, she attended Whickham festival this year and enjoyed your set a lot. She told us all about the festival and mentioned your set as her favourite memory from the event.
karey d, exeter
Another veteran of the Swindon music scene, albeit a gent I’d not seen “live” before, his buoyant solo acoustic guy shenanigans veered between seriously old school galloping Elvis/ Sun Records honky tonk rock’n’roll (opener “Bangalore Boogie” and a later “Two Ton Trixie”), occasional Lou Reed-esque laconic yet wallowing balladry (“All Alone Again”) and some 60’s Dylan-esque political protest essays (“Liars And Thieves” and “Palestine Free” both striking a chord), all delivered with oodles of strident harmonica and effervescent and chatty enthusiasm.
So chatty in fact, that he had to cut a couple of songs from his set, but still finished with a rousing singalong to “We’re Gonna Make Some Hay”, a song about getting old and seizing the day, which I’m all up for.
Overall, a fun opening set, despite the occasional tech issues (which Jol initially put down to something loose rattling around in his guitar!) from an entertaining performer and possible distant cousin – in Swindon, who knows for sure?!
dave rose gig diaries
Something of a Swindon optimistic Dylan, he retains his concentrated narrative songs in favour of the more lighthearted ditties and banter to appease, though there was a poignant one on the Gaza conflict, but whichever his outlook, Jol is a proficient entertainer and skilled master of his craft.
darren, devizine
I have found your music really enjoyable. It took me back to my rebel days of the late sixties.
roger grant, manton fest
Really enjoyed your gig at Rising Sun. Your sound and songs are great. Nice to hear a talented pure acoustic artist.
lynne m, corsham
Jol’s strahlende Energie brachte die Leute zum Singen und Tanzen. Grandioser Abend! Bis hoffentlich bald wieder! 🙂
lisa, klappe regensburg
Not sure if it’s my state of mind but your song bright side of the road made me cry. Absolutely beautiful song!
lyn mackenzie, belvedere weymouth
Wir möchten uns noch einmal herzlichst bei dir für deinen tollen Auftritt bedanken! Du hast wirklich für eine tolle Stimmung gesorgt.. glückliche Mitarbeiter und noch fröhlichere Gäste! Hohes Lob für dich, schöne Songauswahl und eine tolle Show.
ela, bernays cloppenburg
Es war uns ein inneres Blumenpflücken, dich bei uns in unserer kleinen Bar live zu erleben. Danke für die tolle Musik. Live und pur wie es sein soll, ein Mann eine Gitarre und viel Gefühl und Spaß.
conny, conny’s bar reichenbach
Jols Auftritt hat uns allen viel Spaß gemacht! Es war eine schöne Auswahl an gecoverten und eigenen Songs, die zum mitsingen und tanzen eingeladen haben. Die Stimmung war super und unsere Gäste haben schon gefragt, wann er das nächste Mal bei uns spielt. 😉
edith richter, der keller dessau
I first saw you at HOPE Sussex for their Freedom music festival last summer, then again at HOPE’s summer fete, loved your performance. Take care and hope to catch another of your great sets soon. Also love the Albums been on rotation since I got them.
Deine Songs waren super und es hat perfekt in den Laden gepasst! Wenn du mal wieder nach Regensburg kommen solltest sag Bescheid. Dann machen wir gerne wieder was zusammen. 🙂
markus lebmeier, dudes4 regensburg
der Auftritt mit Dir hat dem Publikum (und natürlich auch uns) sehr gefallen. Du verstehst es, die Leute mit Deiner sympathischen Art und Deiner Musik zu begeistern und mitzureißen! Uns haben viele aus dem Publikum gesagt, dass es ihnen sehr gut gefallen hat. Wir freuen uns, wenn Du wieder kommst!
carolin peter, tonfink lübeck