
I blog rarely. There’s just too much bad stuff to comment on, words don’t seem enough, and many others say it well enough anyway.

But I do sometimes share correspondence I’ve had with my MP, another spineless and in-the-mould Tory – but could equally be Labour or any of the others these days. Truthfully, I hardly know why I bother – we’re always exhorted to write to our MPs but, really, they’re so controlled, bought and whipped, what the heck’s the point?

This latest set of emails was prompted by a mail from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign on the eve of the vote on an SNP motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza; we were asked to write to our MPs asking them to support the motion.

What happened at that debate (a way too generous term for the bawling hypocrisy that took place that day in the House of Commons) is now history – some kind of shameful, dirty history that reflects clearly the lack of any moral decency, honesty or compassion proudly exhibited by most of our so-called elected representatives.

The bombs still fall and the murders of innocents in Palastine go on, even as the International Court of Justice’s ruled for Israel to take all measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza. Another international ruling ignored.

George Galloway’s success in the Rochdale by-election is a glimmer of hope, although the blanket bias across all mainstream media and political classes will make it hard to turn a spark into a blaze. Galloway hopes that this kind of thing could be replicated in constituencies around the country at the forthcoming general election, and we can but hope. And, in the meantime, do our best to connect and create action locally.

Galloway ain’t everyone’s cup of tea but Craig Murray – as usual – nails it. (George kicks off this recent broadcast in fine form with some on-the-nail observations about all the above.)

So here we go with the emails:

Hi Robert

Hope you’re keeping well.

Please vote for a ceasefire in Gaza today – it’s your chance to do the right thing for peace and justice, to be on the right side of history.

With the international court ruling that there’s a case to be made that Israel is committing genocide and, indeed, insisting that Israel desists from its military operations (which ruling Israel is blatantly ignoring), the British parliament must stand up for justice and the rule of law.

Please reply post haste to confirm you will be supporting, voting and arguing for and immediate ceasefire.

Many thanks and beset wishes

Dear Jolyon,

Many thanks for your email.

The situation in Gaza is incredibly worrying, and I echo the calls of the Foreign Secretary for both sides to reach a ceasefire deal, as they did in November, which includes the release of all hostages.

It is by urging both sides and key third countries to work towards this type of deal that the UK can play a positive role. Demanding a unilateral ceasefire is not helpful. Hamas started this conflict and continue to fuel it by keeping the hostages – the onus must be on them just as much as it’s on Israel to bring hostilities to a close.

I am glad that the United States has now adopted this position, coming in line with what has been UK policy for a number of months.

The SNP motion does not recognise the nuance which is necessary in this matter, so I will not be voting for it today.

Given that the UK has been calling for a proper bilateral ceasefire for a while now, such a motion is unnecessary.

Thanks again for contacting me about this important issue. I will continue to follow the situation in Israel and Palestine very closely.

Kind regards,


Hi Robert

Thank you for the reply – I’ve mailed you several times about the appalling and unjust treatment of Julian Assange being meted out by your governent and received no reply, so I was pleasantly surprised.

I wonder if your email is, in fact, a government template provided for such correspondence: do you really believe that this conflict started on October 7th last year? To state that “Hamas started this conflict” suggests a level of historical (recent and ongoing) ignorance that I hardly expect from someone of your education.

Do you have any idea how many hostages – prisoners held with no charge and no due process – are being held by the Israeli state? Again, your lack of any basic understanding of both the inequities and the historical context of the current slaughter of innocents is somewhat shocking; these facts are hardly hidden.

Perhaps your failure to engage with the international court’s finding on potential genocide is, therefore, less of a surprise. Shame on you.



Dear Jolyon,

No, these are my views – which are very similar to the Government’s, but not identical.

I do not deny the longevity of this conflict, but this recent war was clearly started by Hamas when they intentionally slaughtered Israeli civilians on October 7th.



I could have gone on, but there’s no opening eyes of people who will not see.

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